LegUp Personal Training

Many of you have heard that I have been taking weekly strength classes, as well as seeing a personal trainer on Monday nights. Both events are being taught by my fabulous personal trainer, Tanja Hsu, of LegUp Personal Training in La Jolla. I have already recruited a few of my friends (and even my Mom) to come and take the “Mom’s Fitness and Strength class” with me, and they too have become addicted to the class. Tanja & Brian teach a mean class, but it’s oh so worth it in the end.

A few weeks ago Tanja asked me if I could take some photos of her for her new website, and I was more than happy to oblige. The site is now done, and it looks incredible! Anyone who knows me knows what a supporter I am over mommy-owned businesses, and am a HUGE supporter of this one. If you’d like to join me for a fun, fast-paced, tough, rewarding, mommy/woman only class, or if you’re looking for an affordable personal trainer, look no further and contact Tanja today!! Be sure to mention that you heard about her from me!



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