Whomever thinks pregnant women aren’t sexy will think again after seeing these photos! I’ve always thought that women who are pregnant are absolutely beautiful, though I must admit I had a hard time remembering this while I was carrying Isabelle. We tend to concentrate on our swollen ankles, our fuller face, our wider hips, but need to take time to remember that we’re creating a life and we look this way for a very important reason!
Meet Cindy…I will never forget the day she told me she was pregnant. After all, they had already adopted two children and were in the process of adopting baby number three. They had tried to get pregnant for over 6 years, only to have to make the decision to spend their money on invitro, or adoption. Six years and two adopted sons later (12 years in total), while they weren’t trying, they weren’t preventing either; figuring that getting pregnant just wasn’t what was intended for them. Until one day last Summer when everything changed…
Congratulations Cindy, Rob, Jack & Grant! I can’t wait to meet your new baby girl/sister in April!!!!
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