Holiday Sessions

As most of you know, I am almost 7 months pregnant and have been trying to figure out a way to fit in all of my wonderful clients for Holiday sessions before I go out on maternity leave in early October. What I’ve decided to do is offer “mini-sessions” to try and accommodate everyone. The way mini-sessions work is that I will pick the locations and the dates/times. I will try to offer a variety of locations at local SD parks and beaches so there’s a little something for everyone 😉 Each session will be 25 minutes and I will offer 4 sessions per day (i.e. 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30) many times next month.

I will start publishing the dates, times and locations on my blog later this week. I will book each session on a 1st come – 1st served basis, so be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my blog or add me to your Google Reader so you get the updates right away and can book your session!

25 minute mini-session
21 day private online gallery to share with family & friends
CD that contains all of your high-resolution images with no copyright restrictions
Between 25-30 beautiful images

$140.00 plus sales tax

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Melissa - August 25, 2009 - 3:51 am

Good idea! As long as I can steal you when our little bundle of joy comes then I am a happy mommy-to-be!

Jennifer - August 28, 2009 - 6:37 am

Sounds good! I will stay posted to your blog.


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