I am still coming down off of my “buzz” from the most wonderful three days, with 25 amazing women. As some of you know, I decided to sign up for Me Ra Koh’s Photography Workshop once I launched my business earlier this year. What sold me was the fact that my favorite San Diego Portrait Photographer, Carey Schumacher, owner of Barefoot Memories was also teaching. I couldn’t believe my luck…Me Ra, Brian & Carey were having a seminar HERE in San Diego. I would give up my Starbucks & pedicure addiction for years to save up the money to attend (thank goodness it didn’t come to that 😉
Over the weekend I expected to learn new techniques, a broader knowledge of aperture, shutter speed and composition – what I didn’t expect were the overwhelming emotions that I felt. I found myself holding back the tears the entire weekend, and it was liberating learning that all of these other women were going through the same things that I was going through. Having the same insecurities that I had, and doubted themselves the same way I do. Me Ra has this incredible way of making you feel as though anything is possible, that YOU are special and that you can succeed! Her, Carey & Brian were so giving of themselves, their life experience and you felt safe, as though no question was off limits. I also didn’t expect to connect with some of these women the way that I did, and know that I made some friends for life! I know that I could email any one of these women and they would pick me back up when the doubts come flooding back in. A few of the San Diego based photographers & myself are even planning on meeting once a month to encourage one another and to share new techniques & ideas that will help all of us excel at our craft in the future.
Okay so I am rambling, and could go on for hours about all of the great new things that I have learned, so I’ll focus and share some of my favorite shots from the weekend…. – Background – On day one we had 4 mothers and their newborns come to the seminar so we could perfect working indoors using only natural light. This area is really tough for me, and Me Ra made it even tougher when she took us out of our comfort zones and made us shoot only in manual mode (just for reference, I generally shoot in aperture preferred mode and let my camera pick the shutter speed for me). In manual made we had to adjust not only the ISO & the aperture, but also the shutter speed ::GULP:: My first 20 photos were either completely under or over exposed, but after a bit I finally got the hang of it and managed to get some beautiful shots. Of course getting a better idea of how metering worked helped immensely as well!! Day two we all met at the beach and learned how to work in direct sunlight. I of course am much more in my element here since this is where/how most of my photo shoots take place, but this time I had the MASTER teaching me!! I tried to absorb everything that Carey was saying and learned so so much! I can’t wait for my next beach shoot to practice, practice practice all that I have learned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A huge thanks again to Me Ra, Brian & Carey for being so open and sharing so much of not only what you know, but more importantly who you are with me. I am forever a better photographer because of you!
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